Saturday, December 10, 2011

Globally, December Month: Finding Christmas Lights Around the Corner

My father was a first person I knew who set out a Christmas tree in the snow, in Lapland, Finland. He had to make sure that the lights would stand the outside freezing cold weather of -45 Celsius and not blow up. This was during the 1970's and there were no specially made lights for outside use, particularly for the cold climate.

There were snow lanterns, though and the favorite of them was the drive from Kemi to Rovaniemi on the Christmas Eve, where most of the 125 kms of the highway would be lit with ice-lanterns 10 meters apart to celebrate Peace in the World. In my mind experiencing that represents the compassion of Christmas Spirit around the world.

The first experience I encountered of a neighborhood where someone would decorate their house with lights for the joy of celebrating the Christmas Season with anyone coming around is from 1995 in Wollongong, Australia. There was one particularly famous house that we all went to see. It was fully lit with thousands of lights and had a particular attraction of Disney movies shown to the kids against the garage door. My kids still remember that well.

In 2000, I experiences the American Christmas Season lit with thousands of inventive lighting designs on every street of Ojai, California. After that, one of the joys of the Christmas season has been spotting lit houses in the neighborhood.

They can be anywhere, just around the corner or they can be taking part of the special Christmas Lights competitions around the cities, in Australia or anywhere. Some houses have taken part for years and years.

There are many themes available for the decorators. Many of the houses that can be spotted celebrate the traditional Christian Christmas theme, including the Star of Bethlehem and the Manger. Everything imaginable is lit. My particular favorite are these presents.

It is important to pay attention to details as many lit objects are very small or high up the trees.

This house in Ipswich, Australia for example has been decorated for the last eight years. The owners sit outside every night and talk to the people who come to look at their house. It is fun. They take part in the Christmas Light competition every year. So far, they haven't won, but who knows when that happens. And if they do, they will get more lights to hang around the house. Many people spend weeks decorating their houses to be ready on the first of December in different cities globally.

Compassion can be expressed in many ways. I find that lighting up your house to show your Christmas Spirit is one of the nicest ways to display compassion to the world. Donating your time and effort for good cheer is a show of 'Joy to the World' in a non-expensive (the solar powered lights can be used) and fun way of contributing to the world around us.

Lets all enjoy our December to the best of our ability and pay special attention to the lights of Christmas! it is a very enjoyable experience.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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